About Leanyer Primary School

Leanyer Primary School

  • School Principal
    School Principal Leah Crockford

Leanyer School is situated within the Northern Suburbs of Darwin. The School offers programs ranging from Preschool to Year Six and has approximately 600 students. An Outside School Hours Care program is also offered.

Leanyer School serves a diverse multi-cultural community with 47% of students coming from Languages Other Than English (LOTE) backgrounds.  The largest nationality represented at The School is Greek, followed by Filipino and Aboriginal. The School priority enrolment area includes the suburbs of Leanyer and Muirhead.

Leanyer School specialises in the Arts. Other programs offered are Physical Education and Chinese.

Student learning is designed to ensure all students are challenged at their point of learning need and student groupings are flexible both within and across classes and teams of teachers dedicated to knowing and developing each child at their level. The school’s technology program provides access to laptop computers, notebooks, i-Pads, Interactive Whiteboards,      B-bots and other coding resources.

The school is committed to catering for the individual learning needs, abilities and interests of students in a secure and caring environment. The school’s philosophy underpins teaching which encourages students to:

  • be motivated, inquiring and independent learners;
  • achieve mastery of the essential learning standards aligned to the Australian Curriculum with particular emphasis on proficiency in literacy and numeracy through creativity, innovation, problem-solving, decision making and critical thinking skills; and
  • develop self-esteem, tolerance and respect.

Built in 1983, the school is set in expansive grounds which are well utilised by the school, our neighboring school and local community groups and individuals. The well maintained grounds, with established trees and gardens provide a range of outdoor spaces for learning as well as passive and active play. This includes undercover basketball and netball courts, a full size turf oval, private preschool gardens, play equipment and wading pool, three adventure playground areas and a range of quiet play outdoor areas including a gardened sitting area with a small stage for impromptu student performances.

The professional contribution made to the school and the wider community by the highly committed staff team is widely recognised. In order to continually improve student learning, staff pursue ongoing professional development linked into their performance and development plans. All staff are engaged in the work of Professional Learning Teams which directly link into achieving the school’s Strategic Plan.

The school highly values the support and engagement of parents, families and extended family members and the wider school community and engages with all members in partnership to improve student learning and personal development. Parents are involved in the life of the school with School Board and its Committee’s which include Business and Community Engagement.

The school manages enrolment pressure with a priority enrolment zone which includes both traditional local areas and new housing developments located nearby.

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