Vouchers & Learning Packs


Vouchers & Learning Packs

All Leanyer staff, school board members and families strive to achieve the best learning environment.

We are proud of our quality buildings, grounds, staff and the resources that have been supplied by the Commonwealth & Northern Territory Government and Parent Voluntary Contributions.

We look forward to maintaining and improving our environment to consistently improve learning for all our students.

Leanyer School Board has endorsed a Learning Pack. With the exception of preschool students, Learning Packs must be redeemed by the last day of Term 1 each year.

Free Education

The Commonwealth and Northern Territory Governments Fund

  • Upkeep and maintenance of buildings and grounds
  • Capital improvements – major works such as new buildings (on a submission basis)
  • Minor new works: work up to cost of $300 000 (on a submission basis)
  • Power and water costs
  • Staff salaries for teachers, administrative staff, support staff, cleaners and ground maintenance staff
  • Access to services such as guidance officers, special services officers, curriculum officers
  • Furniture, equipment and machinery
  • Computers and networking
  • Specialist facilities
  • Repairs
  • Access to specially funded programs such as literacy and numeracy support programs
  • Communication expenses
  • Cleaning costs
  • Basic learning resources e.g. counters, paper, paints

Back to School Vouchers 

At the commencement of the school year the NT Government provides parents with vouchers to the value of $150.00 for essential equipment such as books, stationery items and uniforms for Preschool and Primary School aged students. The voucher cannot be exchanged for cash or used to pay Parent Voluntary Contributions, canteen bills, or non-essential items. The voucher can be redeemed at the school where children are enrolled.

Leanyer School Board has endorsed a Learning Pack. With the exception of preschool students, Learning Packs must be redeemed by the last day of Term 1 each year.

Learning Packs

Parents may purchase Learning Packs which provide students with the equipment they need to access the curriculum. If the Learning Pack is not redeemed with the voucher parents are requested to pay for this as soon as possible in order that children receive the appropriate materials they need for classwork.

Like most other government schools, Leanyer School charge for a stationery pack/learning pack. Leanyer School Learning Packs for 2022 are $110 per student. The following items are included in the Learning Packs:

  • Stationery Pack $55 (All students)
  • 1 or 2 Whole school performances $12 (All students)
  • 1 local area excursion $25 (All students)

Plus one of the following items:

  • Preschool Encouragement to Read Award $18 (Preschool only)
  • Victorian Cursive Handwriting Textbook $18 (Tr to Year 5)
  • Year 6 Graduation – part-payment only $18 (Year 6 only)

A year book will be provided free to the eldest child per family. Additional copies can be purchased at $20 each. 

Other activities and items not included in the Learning Packs that may be redeemed with the Back to School Voucher are: School uniforms, swimming and school camps.

Uniform Price List 2022

  • $30 – Polo Shirt
  • $17 – Uni Sex Short
  • $23 – Skort
  • $25 – Long Pants
  • $38 – School Jacket
  • $14 – Bucket Hat
  • $50 – Dress
  • $35 – Sport Shirt

Swimming Costs 2022 – Year 1 to 6

*Please note – due to Covid-19 swimming has been cancelled in 2022

$110 per student – includes bus travel and 8 lessons from Royal Life Saving Society NT

Parent Voluntary Contributions

Each year the School Board identify a key focus where the funds are to be expended. The focus for 2022 Parent Voluntary Contributions will be the enhancement of the STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Maths) block to enhance student learning areas and updating IT for students. Parent Voluntary Contributions support the delivery of the best possible educational outcomes for the students through providing additional funds to improve the quality and range of school materials and resources which enrich the learning opportunities for our students.

Leanyer School Board has endorsed a voluntary contribution of $80 per year or $20 per term.

Parents should note that these contributions are not compulsory and that essential school materials and services will not be withheld from the children of parents who elect not to contribute. However, in the interests of fairness and in support of our efforts to secure the best outcomes for your children, we ask that parents make every effort to support the school through the payment of the voluntary contributions as recommended by the school board.


It is possible to pay the Parent Voluntary Contribution in instalments.

Direct Deposit Payment:
BSB: 085 933
ACC: 518 560 221
Account Name: Leanyer School
Reference: PVC Child’s Name

Why are the Voluntary Contributions important? 

The contributions go towards offsetting costs in the following areas:

Information Technology: Computer resources, iPads, software licenses as well as the purchase of the latest technology and software.
Playground: the cost of installation and maintenance of play equipment, soft-fall and sporting equipment
Library: the purchase of resources and consumables in the library. Items such as fiction and non-fiction books, reference books etc. which need to be updates and replaced as they wear out or become superseded. 
Photocopying, Printers and Laminating: the costs associated with producing learning resources.
Classroom consumables: such as materials for special programs and events. E.g. science, cooking and craft materials.
Quality resources: e.g. Flipcharts, models, games, science equipment, take home reading books
Medical: The cost of ambulance cover for each student and first aid supplies.

These items are not funded by the Commonwealth or NT Governments.
For this reason parents are asked to make a small contribution referred to as a Parent Voluntary Contribution.

The School Board has endorsed the following:

$80 per child per year or $20 per term;
Three or more children $200 per year. Payments can be made anytime of the year. 
The Board encourages parents to make contributions of any value and are welcome anytime of the year.

Preschool Voluntary Contributions

School Board have endorsed $60 per term as an appropriate contribution for students attending preschool. Parents/guardians are able to pay in instalments if they wish.

It is possible to pay the Parent Voluntary Contribution in cash, cheque or card in the front office or online as follows:

Direct Deposit Payment:
BSB: 085 93
ACC: 518 560 221
Account Name: Leanyer School
Reference: PrePVC Child’s Name

Other Costs

Other costs may eventuate during the school year such as educational excursions, performances etc. Parents will receive notification when these costs arise.


If you are experiencing financial difficulties, please contact the Principal. 

For further information

Please contact the school on 8927 4022 or email admin.leanyer@education.nt.gov.au

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